I cannot wait for gazette's Vermin and An Unbearable Fact! I'm GOING TO BURST! WOOHOO
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Today will be a very short post because tomorrow i have to wake up soooo early to cover for sochii at chiru's banquet place! I don't know wad hair to do man... maybe this?

HAHA maybe~ I will try it when i go bathe
Today was a very fun day since a while. In the evening, I went to watch Resident Evil with trv shawn paulene xy mh hao (pardon me if i forgot anyone. im rushing this)
After that, I went to Bishan to meet chiru to eat dinner at pasta mania. After awhile Neo came. HAHA funny guy, he use the dirty spoon to slap his own face. Chiru, you sure he not still drunk??
HAHA okay that's it for today!
-Ren rushing off
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sometimes it really sucks when you talk and the person who you love most keeps changing the subject or just pretends you didn't say anything. It's as if you don't mean a thing sometimes. Like I'm only there cause you are bored, and what I say doesn't mean squat. I'm just there for you to talk to me.
It's worse when you feel like, you lost to a 2D character, someone who doesn't even exist. It's really hard for me to swallow. You don't see what you are doing, but I don't matter do I. haha.. I just wish you would pay more attention to me. I don't even know what I'm saying.
Just screw it. :)
Maybe the part about me wanting to be a butler is because I want to be more like him. maybe then, I'll be the irreplaceable one.
It's worse when you feel like, you lost to a 2D character, someone who doesn't even exist. It's really hard for me to swallow. You don't see what you are doing, but I don't matter do I. haha.. I just wish you would pay more attention to me. I don't even know what I'm saying.
Just screw it. :)
Maybe the part about me wanting to be a butler is because I want to be more like him. maybe then, I'll be the irreplaceable one.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
How to survive a vampire attack 101
Hey peeps, recently my posts have been kinda sad and depressing. Therefore, I thought of something to break the depressing streak. HOW TO SURVIVE A VAMPIRE ATTACK 101!!!!
Here's the enemy.
vampire ( ) n. A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people.
Now how do you actually kill these indestructible glittery balls of doom? Legend has it that garlic, stakes through the heart, holy water, a crucifix (cross), a silver bullet, and of course good old UV radiation.
Assuming you are with a good friend. And a vampire is chasing you both. What should you do!?
1. scratch your friends arm till it bleeds and run the other direction!
2. scratch both your arm and your friends arm till they bleed and run in 2 different directions! (a vampire cannot run in both directions. 50-50 chance you will survive.)
3. if you are having your period, lucky you. Throw your stained underpants or sanitary pad at the vampire and RUN!
4. take a little of blood and draw a cross on the wall (Hopefully, it will smell the blood and be attracted to it, but the cross will burn its glittery balls off! I'm not sure if this works but its worth a shot!)
5. pee a puddle on the floor and say, "I bless this pee in the name of the L***. Amen." (hopefully the vampire will step on the puddle of holy pee and melt teehee~)
Okay, now what if you are alone? Very simple, there are a few precautionary measures you can take like, always include loads of garlic in your meals. It also never hurts to bless your water bottle every time you refill it, this way, you will always have a full holy water grenade!
1. Tattoo your self with crosses. So when a vampire comes, just flash him! Don't worry girls, he will be a pile of ash before he can see anything.
2. You can also make a bloody holy pee trap. If you have a urinary tract infection, GOOD FOR YOU~! This trap will be much simpler and quicker for you to set up. Find a corner and pee, hopefully the blood in your pee will be enough to attract the vampire. After pee-ing, bless the red pee puddle and run the other way!
I guess this is about it... Haha this was meant to be lame so pay no heed to it. But these tips may help you survive Edawrd's shiny ass or his ridiculous hairdo.
-Ren *away, killing vampires*
Friday, September 10, 2010
I'm really sleepy so I'm gonna keep this short.. Thank you honey for spending her day with me.. I really enjoyed the movie.. And many more thanks for the stuff you have done for me. I love you so much... But I don't want you to get upset for me okay? *hug* thank you :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
FUCK OFF. I've had enough of you making fun off me. Can't you just mind your own fucking business? I don't need comments from someone who can't even sing a single note of majullah singapura in tune. FUCK YOU. If only I had enough money, I don't care how small the apartment or room is, I just want you to stay away from me!
You don't even work nowadays. Sit at home and do sit. YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN!? NOBODY IN THE HOUSE CAN STAND YOUR BULLSHIT! Mum gave up a long time ago. When josh reaches my age he might break like me. MAYBE NOT BECAUSE THE ONLY PERSON YOU MAKE FUN OFF IS ME! I'd love to break you nose and watch you bleed and wriggling on the fucking granite, you piece of worthless garbage. You might think its funny. Okay yes I admit I'm lousy, but there's no need to make fun of me. I'm working so hard to achieve a small dream of mine, that might not even come true. Can't you just go to work, and give me some money. So, one day I can forget about you? I want to give you a heel drop so bad. For all the farce you have give me all the years. I want to watch you squirm under my foot.
I feel dirty, disgraced and hopeless knowing that half of my DNA is from you! The only half of me that is pulling me down from whatever I want to do and achieve! I bet I can do more with only half my genes. I hate you. Grow up.
You don't even work nowadays. Sit at home and do sit. YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN!? NOBODY IN THE HOUSE CAN STAND YOUR BULLSHIT! Mum gave up a long time ago. When josh reaches my age he might break like me. MAYBE NOT BECAUSE THE ONLY PERSON YOU MAKE FUN OFF IS ME! I'd love to break you nose and watch you bleed and wriggling on the fucking granite, you piece of worthless garbage. You might think its funny. Okay yes I admit I'm lousy, but there's no need to make fun of me. I'm working so hard to achieve a small dream of mine, that might not even come true. Can't you just go to work, and give me some money. So, one day I can forget about you? I want to give you a heel drop so bad. For all the farce you have give me all the years. I want to watch you squirm under my foot.
I feel dirty, disgraced and hopeless knowing that half of my DNA is from you! The only half of me that is pulling me down from whatever I want to do and achieve! I bet I can do more with only half my genes. I hate you. Grow up.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Can someone please help me with this low self esteem of mine please? I thought that if i had enough talent, I could cover up and boost my self esteem with it. But, the thing is, I don't have either one. So, we are back to square one. Just when I thought I saw a light. I don't want to give up, but when you can't even practice at home cause your good for nothing dad, who for some reason isn't going to work lately, makes fun of you. It really sucks. Someone please help me? Help me believe that I can do this again, because I want to. Make me believe. 'Cause I feel like I'm just chasing the wind.
Monday, September 6, 2010
ONE DOWN FOUR MORE TO GO! No fair. My girlfriend has finish 2 UTs and has 2 left.. SERIOUSLY NOT FAIR. she has like half as many uts left... T^T tomorrow is Health and Wellness, ESSAY! I have no clue how I am going to write out an essay with no internet. Not enough facts. Good thing is, there is no need for a reference! ahahhaha good game for ren..
There was something on the news about a superbug found in japan. EVERYBODY RUN! RUN TO SINGAPORE! HAHAHAA best if we can see our favourite bands walking along orchard road walking and busking! hahaha
Another news I saw was another bombing in pakistan. Seriously illuminati, 911 not enough? Those poor muslims in the US are suffering because of you. I hope japan, russia and china bomb the living shit out of you.
- Down for the count.
There was something on the news about a superbug found in japan. EVERYBODY RUN! RUN TO SINGAPORE! HAHAHAA best if we can see our favourite bands walking along orchard road walking and busking! hahaha
Another news I saw was another bombing in pakistan. Seriously illuminati, 911 not enough? Those poor muslims in the US are suffering because of you. I hope japan, russia and china bomb the living shit out of you.
- Down for the count.
Saturday, September 4, 2010